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Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation



Abrams, LeRoy, 1874–1956

HI Archives collection no. 120
Papers, 1920–1954
.25 linear feet (1 box)

Allen, Paul Hamilton, 1911–1963

HI Archives collection no. 1
Papers, 1837–1963
1.5 linear feet (5 boxes)

Arber, Agnes Robertson, 1879–1960

HI Archives collection no. 53
Papers, 1886–1985
13.5 linear feet (9 boxes, 16 volumes, 6 card-file boxes, 1 oversize item)

Archer, William Andrew, 1894–1973

HI Archives collection no. 3
Papers, ca.1906–[1929–1964]–1972
6.25 linear feet (19 boxes, 4 volumes, 1 oversized)


Bailey, Liberty Hyde, 1858–1954

HI Archives collection no. 4
Manuscript fragment, The Garden of Bellflowers, n.d.
.25 linear feet (1 folder)

Bally, Peter Rene Oscar, 1895–1980

HI Archives collection no. 5
Correspondence with Gilbert W. Reynolds (1895–1967), 1950–1967
.25 linear feet (1 box, 3 folders)

Bean, William Jackson, 1863–1947

HI Archives collection no. 67
Correspondence, 1920
.25 linear feet (1 folder)

Beer, Rudolph, 1873–1940

HI Archives collection no. 6
Papers, 1905–1913
.25 linear feet (1 box)

Bessey, Charles Edwin, 1845–1915

HI Archives collection no. 36
Papers, 1867–1914 and n.d.
.25 linear feet (1 folder)

Blaine, May Margaret, 1889–1973

HI Archives collection no. 61
Correspondence, 1931–1964
1 linear foot (3 boxes)

Braun, E. Lucy, 1889–1971

HI Archives collection no. 181
Field notebooks and other materials, ca.1919–[1931–ca.1955]
2.5 linear feet (2 boxes)

Burgess, Edward Sandford, 1855–1928

HI Archives collection no. 39
Papers, 1889–1895 and n.d.
.2 linear feet (2 file folders)

Burt, Edward Angus, 1859–1939

HI Archives collection no. 68
"Cryptogamae" manuscript, n.d. [ca.1903]
.25 linear feet (1 box)


Carlson, Margery Claire, 1892–1985

HI Archives collection no. 86
Correspondence, 1949–1973
.25 linear feet (1 folder)


Esau, Katherine, 1898–1997

HI Archives collection no. 71
Papers, 1946 and n.d.
.25 linear feet (1 folder)


Fairchild, David Grandison, 1869–1954

HI Archives collection no. 12
Papers, 1901–1925
.25 linear feet (1 folder)


Guinea López, Emilio, 1907–1985

HI Archives collection no. 80
Papers, ca.1928–ca.1959
.5 linear feet (4 volumes, 1 folder) [Folder file 2]


Haas, Theodor Philipp, 1892–1977

HI Archives collection no. 212
Papers, 1906–1986
1 linear foot (4 boxes)

Hermann, Frederick Joseph, 1906–1987

HI Archives collection no. 16
Papers, 1934–1951
1.5 linear feet (1 box)


La Pérouse, Jean François de Galaup (Comte) de, 1741–1788

HI Archives collection no. 25
Correspondence, 3 July 1783
.25 linear feet (1 folder)

Leiberg, John Bernhard, 1853–1913

HI Archives collection no. 11
Notes on Oregon specimens, n.d. (ca.1895–1896)
.25 linear feet (1 folder)

Letty, Cythna Lindenberg, 1895–1985

HI Archives collection no. 73
Letters from Alain White, 1934–1945 and n.d.
.25 linear feet (1 folder)

Löve, Áskell, 1916–1994

HI Archives collection no. 319
Papers, 1950–1987
3.0 linear feet (2 boxes)


Macer Floridus, pseud. [Odo de Meung / Odo Magdunensis], 11th century

HI Archives collection no. 267
De Viribus Herbarum manuscript fragments, ca.1150
.25 linear feet (1 volume)

Malesherbes, Chrétien Guillaume de Lamoignon de, 1721–1794

HI Archives collection no. 175
"Explication de Quelques Termes de Botanique," manuscript concerning botanical classification, ca.1746–1752
.25 linear feet (1 volume)

Mathias, Mildred Esther, 1906–1995

HI Archives collection no. 26
Papers, 1927–1952
1.25 linear feet (2 boxes)

Mertens, Franz Carl, 1764–1831

HI Archives collection no. 54
Papers, 1797–1829 and n.d.
.5 linear feet (1 box, 2 volumes)

Morrison, Benjamin Yoe, 1891–1966

HI Archives collection no. 27
Papers, 1915–1965, n.d.
3.5 linear feet (10 boxes, 10 volumes, 6 oversize items)


Popenoe, F. Wilson (1892–1975)

HI Archives collection no. 204
Family papers, 1882–1975
29.25 linear feet (45 boxes, 16 volumes, miscellany)

Prain, David, 1857–1944

HI Archives collection no. 31
Papers, 1922–1924
.25 linear feet (1 box, 1 envelope)


Redouté, Pierre–Joseph, 1759–1840

HI Archives collection no. 33
Papers, 1786–ca.1844
.75 linear feet (1 box, 2 oversized folders)

Rock, Joseph Francis Charles, 1884–1962

HI Archives collection no. 34
Papers, 1908–[1934–1963]
1.75 linear feet (5 boxes, 3 oversized portfolios)


Scott, Arthur Moreland, 1888–1963

HI Archives collection no. 35
Papers, 1956–1960
1.25 linear feet (5 boxes, 4 oversized)

Shaw, George, 1751–1813, and Nodder, Frederick Polydore (fl.1777–1800)

HI Archives collection no. 37
"Alphabetical Index to Dr. Shaw's Naturalist Miscellany," 1789–1813
.25 linear feet (1 file)

Sibthorp Family

HI Archives collection no. 38
Papers, 1781–1871
1.75 linear feet (1 box, 1 oversized portfolio)

Smith, John Donnell, 1829–1928

HI Archives collection no. 41
Correspondence, 1892–1911
.25 linear feet (1 folder)

HI Archives collection no. 42
Papers, 1880–1909
.25 linear feet (1 folder)

HI Archives collection no. 92
Papers, 1888–1898
.25 linear feet (1 folder)


Trelease, William, 1857–1945

HI Archives collection no. 43
Correspondence, 1893–1944
.25 linear feet (1 box)


Urban, Ignatius, 1848–1931

HI Archives collection no. 49
Manuscript notes, n.d.
.25 linear feet (1 box)


Walpole, Frederick Andrews, 1861–1904

HI Archives collection no. 95
Diaries, 1882–1903
.25 linear feet (3 volumes, originals and photocopies)


Yuncker, Truman George, 1891–1964

HI Archives collection no. 51
Correspondence, ca.1880–[1915–1955]
.25 linear feet (1 box)

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