Sterbeeck’s Theatrum Fungorum added to Web site
21 October 2019
We have digitized Francis van Sterbeeck's Theatrum Fungorum (1675). Our copy is unique in that, for nearly every uncolored engraved plate, there was bound next to it a watercolor copy of the same plate (not printed) by an unknown artist. From original paintings for Carolus Clusius to copies made by our unknown artist/owner, Assistant Librarian Jeannette McDevitt unravels the tangled history of the images while Graphics Manager Frank A. Reynolds works a little post-photography magic through Photoshop to present the watercolors as the page spreads they were before binding forever separated them.
About the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
The Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, a research division of Carnegie Mellon University, specializes in the history of botany and all aspects of plant science and serves the international scientific community through research and documentation. To this end, the Institute acquires and maintains authoritative collections of books, plant images, manuscripts, portraits and data files, and provides publications and other modes of information service. The Institute meets the reference needs of botanists, biologists, historians, conservationists, librarians, bibliographers and the public at large, especially those concerned with any aspect of the North American flora.
Media Contact:
Scarlett T. Townsend