Past Exhibitions
4th International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration
7 November 1977 – 31 March 1978
This exhibition featured over 300 works on botanical subjects. More than a dozen different media, ranging from watercolors and etchings to serigraphs and lithographs, were represented in the show, reflecting the work of 133 artists from over 20 countries. Last held in 1972, the International serves as a showcase for botanical artists and illustrators from around the world. Many of the works on display were originally reproduced in scientific publications, horticultural journals and books on flowers and plants. Other works were formal plant portraits. All works were original paintings or drawings or limited edition graphic prints. A catalogue with biographical data, portraits of the artists and reproductions of the artworks accompanied the exhibition. Collectively, the four International series catalogues were the most comprehensive record available of contemporary botanical artists and illustrators to date. In connection with the International exhibition, a lecture on the flora of South Africa was given by Esme F. F. Hennessy on 7 November 1977. Hennessy, whose four paintings were included in the 4th International, was a senior lecturer in the Department of Botany at the University of Durban-Westville in Natal, South Africa.
The preview reception was held Sunday, 6 November, followed by a dinner for the International artists.