Past Exhibitions
8th International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration
13 November 1995 – 29 February 1996
This exhibition contained 109 artworks by 87 artists from Brazil, England, France, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, People's Republic of China, Québec, Russia, Spain, Sweden and the United States, including loans from the Japan Association of Botanical Illustration, Jardí Botànic de Barcelona, Cines Academy of Sciences, various colleges and institutions in India, galleries in London and the United States, and individuals throughout the world. Selections from the full exhibit were included in a travel show that circulated to museums, schools, botanic gardens and other institutions. The Institute hosted the first meeting of the American Society of Botanical Artists, founded by artist Diane Bouchier of New York.
The artists included Anna Stone Asquith, Jeni Barlow, Krisztina Bíró, John Lionel Booker, Diane Bouchier, Wendy Brockman, Andrew Peter Brown, Imma Busquet i Pujó, Cai Shuqin, Alejandro Cánovas Iserte, Chen Rong-dao, Joaquim Conca i Grau, Lynette R. Cook, Mary Ann Currier, Claire Dalby, Pauline Margaret Dean, Annette de Jonquières, M. D. Dhoundiyal, Aljos Farjon, Ann Farrer, Maria Àngels Feliu, Katharine Flynn, Jacqueline M. Gnott, Algirdas Grigas, Irina Gronborg, Audrey A. Hardcastle, Lyn Hayden, Toni Hayden, Joanne Hayes, Lisa Holley, Mercedes Iborra Valiente, John Stuart Ingle, Jamshed Pirojshaw Irani, Mieko Ishikawa, Sally Keir, Bhola Ram Kharey, Sanae Kikuchi, Yuriko Kikuchi, June Kluglein, Hidenari Kobayashi, Mieko Konishi, Pollyana Maria Lidmark, Jurgis Macys, Alfonso Samuel Blaise Madden, Alister Mathews, Xavier Millán i Calero, Sharron L. O'Neil, Luca Massenzio Palermo, Ronaldo Luis Pangella, Katherine Anne Pickles, Mohammad Rafiquddin, G. Rajasekaran, Kay Rees-Davies, Luigi Rist, Leonhard Roermer, Nirad Chandra Rout, Deborah Rubin, Angela Marie Russo, Graham Rust, Hendrik R. Rypkema, Masao Saito, Hari Om Saxena, Benjamin Shaw, Siriol Ann Sherlock, Akiko Shimizu, Annika Silander-Hökerberg, Yvonne Skargon, Louise Margaret Smith, Henry Stempen, Margaret Stevens, Dylan Stone, Mahaveer Swami, Raju Swami, Ann Swan, Geraldine King Tam, Mary Tarraway, Nobuko Uno, Arundhati Parashuram Vartak, Linda Vorobik, Carol Woodin, Christine Woodman, Eleanor B. Wunderlich, Peggy Wyatt, Xu Meijuan, Olga Zaitseva, Zhang Chun-fang and Zhang Da-cheng.
An illustrated catalogue with biographical data, portraits of the artists and reproductions of the artworks accompanied the exhibition. Collectively, the eight International series catalogues included 740 artists and were the most comprehensive record available of contemporary botanical artists and illustrators to date. The works included in this exhibition prove that in the world of art the infinite variety of plant forms and colors still holds special fascination and offers undiminished challenge and delight.