Past Exhibitions
Ladybug paintings by Susan Carlton Smith
12 April – 17 April 1970
The Institute displayed the original watercolor illustrations by Susan Carlton Smith (also Susan Carlton Smith Cavanagh, 1923–2021) for Kathleen N. Daly, Ladybug, Ladybug (New York, American Heritage Press, 1969). The technically accurate works were also fanciful depictions of insects. Smith was in our 2nd International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration (1968).
Susan Carlton Smith Cavanagh (1923–2021), with The Tired Apartment House, her sculpture made entirely of natural materials found outdoors, unknown location and date, photograph by Kenneth Rogers for Atlanta Journal-Constitution and George H. M. Lawrence (1910–1978), comp., Catalogue [of the] 2nd International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration (Pittsburgh, Hunt Botanical Library, 1968, p. 228), HI Archives portrait no. 1, courtesy of Atlanta Journal-Constitution.