Huntia volume 15 published
21 July 2015
We are pleased to announce the long-awaited publication of volume 15 of Huntia, our journal of botanical history. While Huntia is published irregularly, there was a longer than normal time between issues since we were focusing on the redesign and content review of our Web site. With the launch of the site in fall 2014, our editor was finally free to begin work on the volume. Given the scope of topics covered, this one was well worth the wait.
Roger L. Williams returns for the 15(1) issue with a paper about Dominique Villars and his botanical disciples during the French Revolution. Michael Witty begins a series of translations of papers on plant fertilization by Wilhelm Hofmeister that is continued in the 15(2) issue. Both issues feature papers by M. E. Mitchell in his fascinating, ongoing lichen history series, which began in the 11(1) issue. Since we have added PDFs of all issues to the Web site, you can reread the earlier papers before delving into these two. In the 15(2) issue A. F. Dyer explores the technique of nature printing practiced by William and Henry Bradbury.
We are currently seeking submissions for the 16(1) issue. Topics and submission guidelines are available on the Huntia page.
About the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
The Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, a research division of Carnegie Mellon University, specializes in the history of botany and all aspects of plant science and serves the international scientific community through research and documentation. To this end, the Institute acquires and maintains authoritative collections of books, plant images, manuscripts, portraits and data files, and provides publications and other modes of information service. The Institute meets the reference needs of botanists, biologists, historians, conservationists, librarians, bibliographers and the public at large, especially those concerned with any aspect of the North American flora.
Media Contact:
Scarlett T. Townsend