17th International exhibition begins
17 September 2024
Our 17th International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration begins today and runs through 17 December 2024. The reception will be held on 17 October 2024 to coincide with the American Society of Botanical Artists conference. Stop by this month for a first look at this incredible show that features 43 artworks by 43 artists, representing 19 countries. Come back in October for the reception where you can meet some of the 17th artists.
Additional hours
For the 17th International we're experimenting with being open during the lunch hour. Now you can stop by also between noon and 1 p.m. to see the show.
Exhibition catalogue database
Completing our transition from print, information from the printed catalogues is being incorporated and updated into the Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration database. Including full-color reproductions of the artworks and portraits of and biographical data for the artists, the database is searchable by artist name, caption (including title, taxon, medium, support and year of completion), country of residence, notes and exhibition number and year. With the addition of the 17th International artists, the database continues to be the most comprehensive and concise record available of contemporary botanical artists and illustrators with individuals represented now totaling 1,255.
About the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
The Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, a research division of Carnegie Mellon University, specializes in the history of botany and all aspects of plant science and serves the international scientific community through research and documentation. To this end, the Institute acquires and maintains authoritative collections of books, plant images, manuscripts, portraits and data files, and provides publications and other modes of information service. The Institute meets the reference needs of botanists, biologists, historians, conservationists, librarians, bibliographers and the public at large, especially those concerned with any aspect of the North American flora.
Media Contact:
Scarlett T. Townsend