In Memoriam: Ronald L. Stuckey (1938–2022)
12 January 2022
The Institute is deeply saddened to report the loss of Ronald L. Stuckey, professor emeritus of botany at The Ohio State University and since 2004 adjunct research scientist at the Hunt Institute. Over the years he donated numerous biographical materials to our Archives and books to our Library. In 2003 he established the Ronald L. Stuckey Endowment for the Preservation of Botanical History to help our Archives and our Library acquire and preserve photographs, biographical sketches, obituaries of botanists and books on botanical history and bibliography. We are grateful for Dr. Stuckey's long-time interest in Hunt Institute and his dedicated efforts to preserve the history of botany.
About the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
The Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, a research division of Carnegie Mellon University, specializes in the history of botany and all aspects of plant science and serves the international scientific community through research and documentation. To this end, the Institute acquires and maintains authoritative collections of books, plant images, manuscripts, portraits and data files, and provides publications and other modes of information service. The Institute meets the reference needs of botanists, biologists, historians, conservationists, librarians, bibliographers and the public at large, especially those concerned with any aspect of the North American flora.
Media Contact:
Scarlett T. Townsend