Out-of-Print Publications
Adanson: The Bicentennial of Michel Adanson's Familles des Plantes (Online)
Edited by George H. M. Lawrence. 1963–1964. 2 parts in 2 vols. Set in Spectrum monotype and printed on Curtis Hunt no. 2 paper. Part 1, 1963. xii, 392 pp.; 40 figs.; 7 1/4 x 9 7/8"; 2 lbs. Cloth and paper covers. ISBN 0-913196-23-1. Part 2, 1964. xii, 243 pp.; 12 figs.; 7 1/4 x 9 7/8"; 1.4 lbs. Cloth and paper covers. ISBN 0-913196-24-X.
After acquiring the Michel Adanson Library, the Hunt Botanical Library organized a symposium on 18–19 August 1963 to commemorate the bicentennial of Adanson's publication of Familles des Plantes (1763[–1764]). Part 1 included a biography by J.-P. Nicolas, a history of the Familles des Plantes by F. A. Stafleu and an annotated catalogue of Adanson's library, including manuscripts and letters, by W. D. Margadant. Part 2 featured essays by symposium participants, including "Les dessinateurs d'histoire naturelle en France au XVIIIe siècle," by G. Duprat; "Mathematics and classification, from Adanson to the present," by P. H. A. Sneath; "L'Oeuvre zoologique d'Adanson," by T. Monod; and an extensive account of "Adanson's sources, references, and abbreviations," used in his Familles des Plantes, by F. A. Stafleu. An exhibition was also held to display items from the newly acquired Adanson Library. A 55-page guide with an introduction by Lawrence and a list of the items displayed accompanied the exhibition.