Past Exhibitions
Botanical Watercolors by British Artists Andrew P. Brown and John Wilkinson
13 April – 14 July 1995
This exhibition featured 55 botanical watercolors by British artists Andrew P. Brown and John Wilkinson. The 20 watercolors by botanist Andrew Brown, a graduate of Oxford University and Cambridge University and a teacher at Westminster School, London, were prepared from drawings of wildflowers made during the Westminster School 1985 Expedition to the Gates of the Arctic National Park in the Brooks Range of Alaska. The collection was shown two years later at the Linnean Society of London. The 35 artworks by John Wilkinson were the originals of his illustrations for Collins Handguide to Trees of Britain and Europe (London, 1978), with text by Alan Mitchell. The paintings included trees that could be seen in the woods, forests, hedges, parks, gardens and town streets of the British Isles and northern Europe. Wilkinson has held a number of one-man exhibitions in London. He has also illustrated guides to mushrooms and toadstools, butterflies and moths, and the countryside. Both artists have won medals for their watercolors from the Royal Horticultural Society, London.