Past Exhibitions
11th International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration
24 October 2004 – 28 February 2005
Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the International series, this show featured 94 artworks by 62 artists from 12 countries (Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, England, France, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Russia, Scotland, South Africa and the United States).
The artists included Beverly Allen (Australia), Katharine Amies (England), Rupert C. Barneby (United States), Auriol Batten (South Africa), Tamlin Blake (South Africa), Renata Bonzo (Italy), Gilles Bosquet (France), Olivia Marie Braida-Chiusano (United States), Elizabeth Cadman (England), Celia Crampton (England), Patricia M. Eckel (United States), Amy Elizabeth Paluch Epton (United States), Flappy Lane Fox (England), Noriko Fujita (Japan), Takeyo Fukuda (Japan), Jarmila Haldová (Czech Republic), Sharon Hegner (United States), Yoko Hida (Japan), Emiko Horisawa (Japan), Caroline Cutrona Hottenstein (United States), Mayumi Ishii (Japan), Noboru Isogai (Japan), Donelda Choate LaBrake (United States), Olga Makrushenko (Russia), Jesse Markman (United States), Kimiyo Maruyama (Japan), Dianne McElwain (United States), Leo Meissner (United States), Giorgio Merlonghi (Italy), Sherry Mitchell (Canada), Adèle Rossetti Morosini (United States), Margaret Muffet (Australia), Elaine Musgrave (Australia), Yoko Nomura (Japan), Suzanne Olive (United States), Barbara Oozeerally (England), Jan van Os (Netherlands), Anna Paoletto (Italy), Rita Parkinson (Australia), Annie Patterson (England), Rachel Pedder-Smith (England), Federico (Kiko) Perotti (Italy), Olivia Petrides (United States), Lynne K. Railsback (United States), Eve Reshetnik-Brawner (United States), Bill Richards (United States), Janet Rieck (United States), Koichi Saito (Japan), Lizzie Sanders (Scotland), Dolores R. Santoliquido (United States), Constance B. Sayas (United States), Gilly A. Shaeffer (United States), Toshi Shibusawa (United States), Maria Rita Stirpe (Italy), Bronwyn Van de Graaff (Australia), Jeannetta vanRaalte (United States), Marina Virdis (Italy), Monika E. de Vries Gohlke (United States), Anita Walsmit Sachs-Jansen (Netherlands), Kathryn Wood (Canada), Jane Wright (England) and Kyoko Yamada (Japan).
The Institute established the International series in 1964 with the hope of supporting and encouraging contemporary botanical artists. Every three years, the International series features the works of talented botanical artists from around the world. The works included in the 11th International proved that in the world of art the infinite variety of plant forms and colors still holds special fascination and offers undiminished challenge and delight.
A full-color, illustrated catalogue with biographical data, portraits of the artists and reproductions of the artworks accompanied the exhibition. Collectively, the 11 International series catalogues included 952 artists and were the most comprehensive record available of contemporary botanical artists and illustrators to date.
In conjunction with the opening of the International exhibition, the American Society of Botanical Artists (ASBA) held its 10th annual conference in Pittsburgh (22–23 October). Many botanical artists from across the United States attended.