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Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation

Past Exhibitions

Palm drawings by Alice Ruth Tangerini

6 November 1980 – 27 February 1981

The Institute exhibited drawings of palms by Smithsonian Institution botanical illustrator Alice Ruth Tangerini, who was in our 4th International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration (1977). The ink drawings on acetate were made for Robert William Read (1931–2003), who was associate curator at the Smithsonian at that time, as part of his Palmae (now Arecaceae) contribution to volume 3 (1979) of the Flora of the Lesser Antilles (1974–1989), which was published in collaboration with Arnold Arboretum at Harvard University. The twelve drawings, meticulous reconstructions from dried herbarium specimens used in taxonomic research, showed the characters necessary for identification of each genus and species.

Alice Ruth Tangerini (1949–), unknown location and date, photograph by Peter Harholdt for Sally W. Secrist and N. Ann Howard, comp., Catalogue [of the] 4th International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration (Pittsburgh, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, 1977, p. 113), HI Archives portrait no. 1, reproduced by permission of the photographer.

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