Past Exhibitions
Exhibition of Redoutéana
21 April – 1 August 1963
Rachel Hunt began planning this exhibition in November 1962 because she wished that the first exhibition staged at the new Hunt Botanical Library would be of her entire collection of Redoutéana, assembled item by item throughout her life. Although her wish came true, she sadly passed away on 22 February 1963, two months before the exhibition opened. The exhibition included books illustrated by Pierre-Joseph Redouté (1759–1840), watercolors painted by him, engravers' proofs pulled to determine the correctness of the engraved plates, prints in black and white and in color, and a small selection of letters and other documents written by or about him. A catalogue with some color plates accompanied the exhibition as well as a short guide for gallery visitors.
Pierre-Joseph Redouté (1759–1840), lithograph by François-Fortuné-Antoine Férogio (1805–1888) after an original by Marie Eléonore Godefroy (1778–1849) for Redouté, Le Bouquet Royal (Paris, Lacrampe, 1843, leaf following title page), HI Archives portrait no. 1 and HI Library call no. DQ2 R319B.