Order from Chaos: Linnaeus Disposes



by Gavin Bridson











LINNAEUS, C. [1741.] Orbis eruditii judicium de Caroli Linnœi M.D. scriptis. [Stockholm]. [16] pp. For an English translation (“The judgment of the learned world on the writings of Carl Linnaeus, M.D.”) by J. M. Gray see infra: HUNT INSTITUTE FOR BOTANICAL DOCUMENTATION. 1973.

LINNAEUS, C. 1823. Egenhändiga anteckningar af Carl Linnaeus om sig sjelf. Med anmärkningar och tillägg [by A. Afzelius] [Autobiography. With notes and additions.] Uppsala: Palmblad & Co. xxiv+[22+ii]+248+[10] pp., 1 tab. & 6 pls.

LINNAEUS, C. 1957. Vita Caroli Linnaei: Carl von Linnés självbiografier. På uppdrag av Uppsala Universitet. Ed. by E. Malmeström and A. Hj. Uggla. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell. 235 pp. [Linnaeus’ five autobiographies.]

LINNAEUS, C. 1963. Den unge Linnés författarskap. [Linnaeus’ writings as a young man]. En nyfunnen Linnéskrift utgiven av C. O. von Sydow. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 45: 3–19. [First publication of a previously unknown manuscript giving a detailed list of and commentary upon all Linnaeus’ works completed before 1735.]


BLUNT, W. 2001. Linnaeus: The compleat naturalist. With an introduction by W. T. Stearn. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. 264 pp.
[A new edition of: BLUNT, W. 1971. The compleat naturalist: A life of Linnaeus. London: W. Collins, Sons & Co. 256 pp.]

BOBROV, E. G. 1970. Karl Linnei, 1707–1778. Leningrad, Izd. "Nauka." 287 pp.

BRYK, F. [1928.] Linné und Berlin. Berliner Festschrift zu Linnés Hundertfünfzigsten Todestage 1778–1928. Neubrandenberg. xiv+[2]+58+[2] pp. & 1 pl. [Linné als Kunstler, pp. 11–34; Linné vom bibliophilen Standpunkt, pp. 35–51.]

CARLBRING, O. AND A. OTTERHED. 1978. Carl von Linné. Örebro: Ringströms Boktryckeri. 31 pp. & folded chart. [Chronology of Linnaeus’ life and works with a "Beskrivande del" in the form of an alphabetically arranged topical biographical synopsis.]

DURIS, P. 1993. Linné et la France (1780–1850). Geneva: Librairie Droz S.A. 281 pp. Histoire des idées et critique littéraire no. 318. [1re partie: Linné et la France de Buffon; 2me partie: La nouvelle génération; 3me partie: Histoire naturelle et révolution; 4me partie: Le renouveau du Linnéisme.]

FRIES, Th. M. 1903. Linné: Lefnadsteckning. [Linné: A biography.] Stockholm: Fahlcrantz & Co. 2 vols. [Also: Linné Lefnadsteckning. Personregister. Utarbetat av H. Krook. Uppsala, 1956. 31 pp. The standard Swedish biography. For an abridged English translation, see: JACKSON, B. D. 1923, infra.]

FRÄNGSMYR, T., ed. 1983. Linnaeus: The man and his work. Berkeley and Los Angeles, Calif.: University of California Press. xii+203 pp. & 12 pp. of illus. [Includes: S. LINDROTH. The two faces of Linnaeus, pp. 1–62; G. ERIKSSON. Linnaeus the botanist, pp. 63–109; T. FRÄNGSMYR. Linnaeus as a geologist, pp. 110–155; G. BROBERG. Homo sapiens. Linnaeus’ classification of man, pp. 156–194. New. ed. Canton, MA, Science History Publications. xiv+206 pp., illus. Uppsala studies in history of science vol. 18.]

GOERKE, H. 1973. Linnaeus. Translated from the German by D. Lindley. New York: C. Scribner's Sons. xi+178 pp. [First pub. as: Carl von Linné: Arzt, Naturforscher, Systematiker 1707–1778. Stuttgart, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1966. 232 pp. & port. Grosse Naturforscher vol. 31. Re-pub. 1989.]

GOURLIE, N. 1953. The prince of botanists: Carl Linnaeus. London: H. F. & G. Witherby. xiii+292 pp. & 9 pl.

GULLERS, K. W. AND B. STRANDELL. 1977. Linnaeus. Chicago, Ill.: Gullers International. [96] pp. [Large format colour pictorial bi-centenary celebration.]

HAGBERG, K. 1957. Carl Linnaeus. Rev. ed. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur. 237 pp. [1st ed. pub. Stockholm, [etc.], 1939. 324 pp. & 20 pl.; English translation as: Carl Linnaeus. Translated by A. Blair. London, J. Cape, 1952. 264 pp. & 7 pl.]

HUNT INSTITUTE FOR BOTANICAL DOCUMENTATION. 1973. A Linnaean keepsake, issued to commemorate the opening of the Strandell Collection of Linnaeana at the Hunt Botanical Library, Carnegie-Mellon University. Pittsburgh, PA. 70 pp., with a facsimile of Orbis eruditii judicium de Caroli Linnœi M.D. scriptis. [Stockholm]. [16] pp. [Includes: B. STRANDELL. An introduction to Linnaeus Life and work; Linnaean centers in Sweden), pp. 5–45; C. LINNAEUS. The judgement of the world on the writings of Carl Linnaeus, M.D. (Orbis eruditii judicium,) [1741], (an English translation by J. M. Gray with an introduction by T. Fredbärj), pp. 47–70.]

JACKSON, B. D. 1923. Linnaeus (afterwards Carl von Linné): The story of his life. Adapted from the Swedish of T. M. Fries, and brought down to the present time in the light of recent research. London: H. G. & F. Witherby. xv+416 pp., 7 pl. & 1 map.

JONSELL, B. 1991. Linnaeus in 20th century Sweden. Botanical journal of the Linnean Society 109: 515–528.

KOERNER, L. 1999. Linnaeus: Nature and nation. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. ix+298 pp.

LINDROTH, S. 1966. Two centuries of Linnaean studies. In: T. R. BUCKMAN, ed. 1966. Bibliography and natural history. Lawrence, Kans.: University of Kansas Libraries. Pp. 27–45.

LINDROTH, S. 1967. Linné, legend och verklighet. Lychnos 1965/66: 57–122. [For an English translation see supra FRÄNGSMYR, T., ed. 1983.]

STEARN, W. T. 1961. Linnaeus. In: P. GRAY, ed. 1961. The encyclopedia of the biological sciences. New York: Rheinhold Publishing Corp.; London: Chapman & Hall. Pp. 568–570.

WEINSTOCK, J., ed. 1985. Contemporary perspectives on Linnaeus. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America. ix+193 pp. [Includes: V. H. HEYWOOD. Linnaeus — the conflict between science and scholasticism, pp. 1–15; J. STANNARD. Linnaeus, nomenclator historicusque neoclassicus, pp. 17–35; D. L. HULL. Linné as an Aristotelian, pp. 37–54; M. P. WINSOR. The impact of Darwinism upon the Linnaean enterprise, with special reference to the work of T. H. Huxley, pp. 55–84; W. LEPENIES. Linnaeus’ Nemesis Divina and the idea of retaliation in the eighteenth century, pp. 85–115; L. GUSTAFSSON. Linnaeus’ Nemesis Divina from a philosophical perspective, pp. 117–134; W. WETZELS. Some observations on Geothe and Linné, pp. 135–151; G. BROBERG. Linné’s systematics and the new natural history discoveries, pp. 153–181; T. FRÄNGSMYR. Linnaeus in his Swedish context, pp. 183–193.]

ZENNSTRÖM, P.-O. 1957. Linné. Sveriges upptäckare, naturens namngivare. [Linnaeus: The explorer of Sweden and the man who gave names in nature.] Stockholm: Arbetarkultur. 149+[3] pp. Ur vart svenska kulturarv.

Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift [Yearbook of the Swedish Linnaeus Society]. Stockholm, årgang 1+, 1918+. Also: Register till årsskrift: 1918–1985. Stockholm, 1987. 24 pp.


ELLENIUS, A. 1982. Linné i medaljkonsten. (Linnaeus in medal art.) Svenska Linné–Sällskapets årsskrift 1979/81: 17–34.

TULLBERG, T. 1907. Linnéporträtt. Vid Uppsala universitets minnesfest på tvåhundraårsdagen af Carl von Linnés födelse. Å universitets vägnar. Stockholm: Aktiebolaget Ljus. [iv]+187 pp. & 21 pl.; Continued: I. T. TULLBERG BESKOW. 1967. Linnéporträtt. Supplement till Tycho Tullberg, Linnéporträtt (1907). Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell. 58 pp., pl. XXII–XXXIV. Acta universitatis upsaliensis, C. Organisation och historia no. 14. (Also: I. T. BESKOW & K. B. TAINSH. 1968. Register till Linnéporträtt … af Tycho Tullberg 1907. med Supplement 1967 [etc.]. Uppsala, [Svenska Linné–Sällskapet]. 28 pp. ); M. TAINSH. 1978–80. Linnéporträtt. Supplement A (–B). Stockholm. 26+26 ff.; K. B TAINSH. 1984. Supplement C to Tullberg’s “Linneporträtt” 1907. Stockholm. 18 pp.; K. B. & M. TAINSH. 1991. Linnéporträtt. Supplement 2 till T. Tullberg, Linnéporträtt, Uppsala 1907 med Supplement 1967 … av I. T. Beskow. Uppsala. 30 pp.


STRANDELL, B. 1982. Linnés ättlingar. (Descendants of Linné (Linnaeus).) Svenska Linné–Sällskapets årsskrift 1979/81: 35–50. [Linnaeus had seven children (2 boys and 5 girls); by May 1979 some 383 descendants had been calculated. 262 were still living, of whom 223 were descended from Linnaeus’ eldest daughter and 39 from his youngest.]


BATHER, F. A. 1927. Biological classification, past and future. Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 83: Proceedings pp. lxii–civ.

BERG, A. AND A. Hj. UGGLA. 1951. Herbationes Upsalienses; protokoll över Linnés exkursioneri Uppsalatrakten, 1747. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 33/34: 95–162.

BERG, F. 1956. Linné et Sauvages. Les rapports entre leur systèmes nosologiques. Lychnos 1956: 31–54.

BERG, F. 1957. Linnés Systema morborum. Uppsala Universitets årsskrift 1957 (3): 132 pp.

BREMEKAMP, C. E. B. 1953. Linné's views on the hierarchy of the taxonomic groups. Acta botanica Neerlandica 2: 580–593. [Also issued as: Mededeelingen van het Botanisch Laboratorium der Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht no. 117.]

BREMEKAMP, C. E. B. 1962. The various aspects of biology. Essays by a botanist on the classification and main contents of the principal branches of biology. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afd. natuurkunde, sect. 2, vol. 54: 199 pp.

BROBERG, G. 1975. Homo sapiens L. Studier i Carl von Linnés natur- uppfattning och människolära. With a summary in English. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell. xv+319 pp.

BROBERG, G., Ed. 1980. Linnaeus: Progress and prospects in Linnaean research. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell; Pittsburgh, Pa.: Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation. 318 pp. [Also pub. as Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 1978. Includes: S. LINDROTH. Linnaeus in his European context, pp. 9–17; K.–G. HILDEBRAND. The economic background of Linnaeus. Sweden in the eighteenth century, pp. 18–29; G. BROBERG. Linnaeus and Genesis: A preliminary survey, pp. 30–42; A. J. BOERMAN. Linnaeus and the scientific relations between Holland and Sweden, pp. 43–56; G. ERIKSSON. The botanical success of Linnaeus. The aspect of organization and publicity, pp. 57–66; J. L. LARSON. Linné's French critics, pp. 67–79; P. SMIT. The zoological dissertations of Linnaeus, pp. 118–136; J. F. SHILLITO. Linnaeus – zoology in the last years, pp. 137–155; A. WHEELER. The sources of Linnaeus’ knowledge of fishes, pp. 156–211; C. O. VON SYDOW. Linnaeus and Gmelin, pp. 212–222; H. GOERKE. Linnaeus' German pupils and their significance, pp. 223–239; J. L. HELLER. Bibliotheca zoologica Linnaeana, pp. 240–264; E. G. BOBROV. On the works by and on Linnaeus published in Russia and the Soviet Union, pp. 265–275; G. H. M. LAWRENCE & R. W. KIGER. Linnaeus and the computer, pp. 276–295; B. STRANDELL. Research on Linnaeus today from the collector's point of view, pp. 296–305.]

BRYK, F., ed. 1924. Linnés gesammelte Schriften entomologischen Inhaltes. Linné als praktischer Entomologe. Stockholm, Im einige Verlage. 104 pp. [Twenty-four separate works, 1732 onwards.]

CAIN, A. J. 1958. Logic and memory in Linnaeus’ system of taxonomy. Proceedings of The Linnean Society of London 169: 144–163.

CAIN, A. J. 1959. The post–Linnaean development of taxonomy. Proceedings of The Linnean Society of London 170: 234–244.

CAIN, A. J. 1963. The natural classification. Proceedings of The Linnean Society of London 174: 115–121.

CAIN, A. J. 1994. Numerus, figura, proportio, situs: Linnaeus’ definitory attributes. Archives of natural history 21:17–36.

CAIN, A. J. 1995. Linnaeus’ natural and artificial arrangements of plants. Botanical journal of the Linnean Society 117: 73–133.

DAUDIN, H. 1926. Études d'histoire des sciences naturelles. Paris: Alcan. 2 vols. Re-pub. Paris, Editions des Archives Contemporaines, 1983. 2 vols. [I: De Linné à Jussieu. Méthodes de la classification et idée de série en botanique et en zoologie, (1740–90).]

DU RIETZ, G. E. 1957. Linné som myrforskare. [Linnaeus as a bog ecologist.] Uppsala. 80 pp. Uppsala Universitets Årsskrift 1957 no. 5.

GARDINER, B. G. 1987. Linnaeus’ floral clock. Linnaean 3 (1): 26–29. [As detailed in Philosophia botanica.]

GOLVAN, Y. J. 1962. Catalogue systématique des noms de genres de poissons actuels de la Xe édition du "Systema naturae" de Charles Linné jusqu'à la fin de l'année 1959. Annales de parasitologie humaine et comparée 37: 1–227.

HAGELIN, O. 2000. Georg Dionysius Ehret and his plate of the sexual system of plants in Linnæus' own copy of Systema Naturæ. Stockholm: Hagströmer Biblioteket, The Hagströmer Medico-Historical Library, Svenska Läkaresällskapet, Karolinska Institutet. 32 pp.

HELLER, J. L. 1945. Classical mythology in the Systema Naturae of Linnaeus. Transactions & proceedings of the American Philological Association 76: 333–357.

HELLER, J. L. 1962. 'List loqu.' and 'List mut.', two puzzling Linnaean abbreviations. Proceedings of The Linnean Society of London 173: 61–64.

HELLER, J. L. 1964. The early history of binomial nomenclature. Huntia 1: 33–70.

HELLER, J. L. 1971. Classical poetry in the Systema naturae on Linnaeus. Transactions & proceedings of the American Philological Association 102: 183–216 & 3 pls.

HELLER, J. L. 1983. Notes on the titulature of Linnaean dissertations. Taxon 32: 218–252.

HELLER, J. L. 1983. Studies in Linnean method and nomenclature. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang. ix+326 pp. Marburger Schriften zur Medizingeschichte no. 7. [Re-publication of several previously published papers.]

HELLER, J. L. AND W. T. STEARN. 1959. An appendix to the 'Species Plantarum' of Carl Linnaeus. In: C. LINNAEUS. 1959. Species Plantarum. A facsimile of the first edition 1753. 2 vols. London: Ray Society. Vol. 2. Pp. 1–104. [Includes: J. L. HELLER. Index auctorum et librorum a Linnaeo (Species Plantarum, 1753) citatorum, pp. 3–60; W. T. STEARN. Notes on the illustrations, pp. 61–72; ___ Four supplementary Linnaean publications: Methodus (1736); Demonstrationes Plantarum (1753), Genera Plantarum (1754), Ordines naturales (1764), pp. 73–102.]

HEYWOOD, V. H. 1980. The impact of Linnaeus on botanical taxonomy – past, present and future. Veröffentlichungen, Joachim Jungius-Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften Hamburg 43: 97–115.

HOFSTEN, N. VON. 1958. Linnaeus’ conception of nature. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens årsbok 1957/58: 65–105.

HOFSTEN, N. 1959. Linnés Djursystem. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 42: 9–49.

HOFSTEN, N. 1963. A system of 'double entries' in the zoological classification of Linnaeus. Zoologiska bidrag från Uppsala 35: 603–631.

HOPWOOD, A. T. 1950. Animal classification from Linnaeus to Darwin. In: Lectures on the development of taxonomy delivered in the rooms of the Linnean Society during the session 1948–49. London: The Linnean Society of London. Pp. 46–59.

HUNT INSTITUTE FOR BOTANICAL DOCUMENTATION. 1976. Linnaean symposium at the Hunt Institute [etc.]. Taxon 25: 3–74. [Includes: C. O. VON SYDOW. Linnaeus and the Lapps, pp. 9–14; H. GOERKE. Linnaeus and the Murray family, pp. 15–19; W. T. STEARN. Carl Linnaeus and the theory and practice of horticulture, pp. 21–31; J. L. HELLER. Linnaeus on sumptuous books, pp. 33–52; W. ODELBERG. Linnaeus redivivus, pp. 53–56; M. P. WINSOR. The development of Linnaean insect classification, pp. 57–67.]

HYLANDER, N. 1954. Apans stege och Pyrrhas hår. Några reflexioner över botaniska, artnamm med två ordepitet samt en förteckning över an grupp av sådana ["Ape's ladder" and "Pyrrha's hair." Reflections on botanical species with biverbal epithets, and a list of a special group of such names.] Svensk botanisk tidskrift 48: 521–549.

ISOVIITA, P. 1970. Dillenius's Historia Muscorum as the basis of Hepatic nomenclature. Acta botanica Fennica 89: 28 pp. ["Dillenius's Historia Muscorum appears to be the foremost source of Linnaeus’ Hepaticae species."]

JARVIS, C. E. 1992. The Linnaean Plant Name Typification Project. Botanical journal of the Linnean Society 109(4): 503–513.

JARVIS, C. E., et al. 1993. A list of Linnaean generic names and their types. Koenigstein: Koeltz Scientific Books, for the International Association for Plant Taxonomy. 100 pp. Regnum vegetabile vol. 127.

JONSELL, B. 1979. Linnaeus’ views on plant classification and evolution. Symbolae botanicae Upsalienses 22 (4): 2–10.

JUEL, H. O. 1919. Hortus Linnaeanus: An enumeration of plants cultivated in the Botanical Garden of Upsala during the Linnean period. Uppsala and Stockholm: Almqvist. 125 pp. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Linné-Sällskapet no. 1. [List of 2157 species.]

JUEL, H. O. 1921. A revision of Kalm's herbarium in Uppsala. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 4: 16–23.

JUEL, H. O. 1936. Joachim Burser's Hortus siccus. Symbolae botanicae Upsalienses 2(1): vii+187 pp. & 4 pls.

KENNARD, A. S. AND B. B. WOODWARD. 1920. On the Linnean species of non-marine Mollusca. Journal of the Linnean Society. Zoology 34: 203–215.

KIGER, R. W., C. A. TANCIN AND G. D. R. BRIDSON. 1999. Index to scientific names of organisms cited in the Linnaean dissertations together with a synoptic bibliography of the dissertations and a concordance for selected editions. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation. v+299 pp.

KOHN, A. J. 1963. Type specimens and identity of the described species of Conus. The species described by Linnaeus, 1758–1767. Journal of the Linnean Society. Zoology 44:740–768.

KUNGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN. 1909. Carl von Linnés Bedeutung als Naturforscher und Arzt. Schilderingen herausgegeben von der Königl. Schwedischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, anlässlich der 200-jährigen Wiederkehr des Geburtstages Linné's. Jena, G. Fischer. xii+575 pp. [Includes: O. E. A. HJELT. Carl von Linné als Arzt und Medizinischer Schriftsteller, iv+186 pp.; E. LÖNNBERG. Carl von Linné und die Lehre von den Wirbeltieren, 48 pp.; C. AURIVILLIUS. Carl von Linné als Entomolog, 43 pp.; C. A. M. LINDMAN. Carl von Linné als botanischer Forscher und Schriftsteller, iv+188 pp.; A. G. NATHORST. Carl von Linné als Geolog, 86 pp.; H. SJÖGREN. Carl von Linné als Mineralog, 42 pp. (First pub. as: Carl von Linnés betydelse såsom naturforskare och läkare. Stockholm, K. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademien, [1907]. Various paging.)]

LANGER, T. W. 1959. De linnéanska sommerfuglenamne of 1758 [The Linnaean names of butterflies of 1758]. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 41:50–60.

LARSON, J. L. 1967. Linnaeus and the natural method. Isis 58: 304–320.

LARSON, J. L. 1971. Reason and experience: The representation of natural order in the work of Carl von Linné. Berkeley, CA, University of California Press. vii+171 pp.

LINNAEUS, C. 1928. Linnés almanacksuppsatser. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 11: 117–146. [Re-publication of all of Linnaeus’ almanac essays in chronological order and original orthography. Ed. by A. Grape & A. Hj. Uggla.]

LINNAEUS, C. 1963. Flower calendar. Translated by Benjamin Stillingfleet and illustrated by Kaj Beckman. Stockholm: Fabel. 85 pp.

LOVÉN, S. 1888. On the species of Echinoidea described by Linnaeus in his work: Museum Ludovicae Ulricae. Bihang til Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens handlingar n.s. 13, Afd. iv, n.5: [ii]+185 pp. & 9 pls.

McATEE, W. L. 1957. The American birds of Linnaeus. Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History 3: 291–306.

RAMSBOTTOM, J. 1938. Linnaeus and the species concept. Proceedings of The Linnean Society of London 150: 192–209.

SLOAN, P. 1976. The Buffon-Linnaeus controversy. Isis 67: 356–375.

SOCIETY FOR SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. 1959. Symposium on Linnaeus and nomenclatural codes, Washington, DC, 1958. Systematic zoology 8: 1–47. [Includes: R. C. ROLLINS. Linnaeus: Codes and nomenclature in biology, pp. 2–3; W. T. STEARN. The background of Linnaeus’ contributions to the nomenclature and methods of systematic biology, pp. 4–22 & 2 pls.; H. W. RICKETT. The status of botanical nomenclature, pp. 22–27; R. E. BUCHANAN. The International Code of Nomenclature of the Bacteria and Virusus, pp. 27–39; E. G. LINSLEY & R. L. USINGER. Linnaeus and the development of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, pp. 39–47.]

SOKOLOFF, D. D., S. A. BALANDIN, I. A. GUBANOV, C. E. JARVIS, S. R. MAJOROV, AND S. S. SIMONOV. 2002. The history of botany in Moscow and Russia in the 18th and early 19th centuries in the context of the Linnaean collection at Moscow University (MW). Huntia 11(2): 129–191.

STAFLEU, F. A. 1969. A historical survey of systematic biology. In: C. G. SIBLEY, ed. 1969. Systematic biology. Proceedings of an international conference conducted at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 14–16, 1967, pp. 16–44. Washington, DC.

STAFLEU, F. A. 1971. Linnaeus and the Linnaeans: The spreading of their ideas in systematic botany, 1735–1789. Utrecht, Oostheok for the International Association for Plant Taxonomy. xvi+386 pp. Regnum vegetabile vol. 79. [Part I. Linnaeus. pp. 1–139, ; Part II. The Linnaeans, pp. 141–336.]

STAUFFER, R. C. 1960. Ecology in the long manuscript version of Darwin's Origin of Species and Linnaeus’ Oeconomy of Nature. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 104: 235–241.

STEARN, W. T. 1955. Linnaeus and the language of botany. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 165: 158–164.

STEARN, W. T. 1957. An introduction to the Species Plantarum and cognate botanical works of Carl Linnaeus. In: C. LINNAEUS. Species Plantarum. A facsimile of the first edition 1753. Vol. 1, pp. 1–176. London, Ray Society. [Includes: II. Principal events in the life of Linnaeus; III. Major botanical publications of Linnaeus; IV. Linnaeus’ sexual system of classification; V. The Genera Plantarum and the typification of Linnaean genera; VI. The Hortus Cliffortianus; VII. The Amoenitates academicae and the authorship of Linnaean dissertations; VIII. The preparation of the Species Plantarum and the introduction of binomial nomenclature; IX. The reception of the Species Plantarum in England and its influence on British botany; XI. Pre-Linnaean literature; XII. Linnaean herbaria; XVII. The species-concept of Linnaeus.]

STEARN, W. T. 1958. Carl Linnaeus, classifier and namer of living things. New scientist 4: 401–403. [Re-pub. in ___ 1962. Three prefaces on Linnaeus and Robert Brown, pp. [i]–[v]. Weinheim, J. Cramer.]

STEARN, W. T. 1958. Botanical exploration to the time of Linnaeus. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 169: 173–196.

STEARN, W. T. 1959. Museums of the eighteenth century: Natural history. Museums journal 59: 44–48.

STEARN, W. T. 1961. Botanical gardens and botanical literature in the eighteenth century. In: HUNT BOTANICAL LIBRARY. Catalogue of botanical books in the collection of Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt. Vol. 2, part i: Introduction to printed books 1701–1800, pp. xli–cxl. Pittsburgh, Pa.

STEARN, W. T. 1962. The origin of the male and female symbols in biology. Taxon 11: 109–113.

STEARN, W. T. 1963. The influence of Leiden on botany in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. British journal for the history of science 1: 137–158.

STEARN, W. T. 1970. Boerhaave as a botanist. In: G. A. LINDEBOOM, ed. Boerhaave and his time. Papers read at the international symposium in commemoration of the tercentenary of Boerhaave’s birth Leiden 15–16 November 1968, pp. 114–122. Leiden, Brill. Analecta Boerhaaviana vol. 6.

STEARN, W. T. 1970. The enigmatic Cyclamen indicum of Linnaeus. Israel journal of botany 19: 266–270.

STEARN, W. T. 1988. Carl Linnaeus’ acquaintance with tropical botany. Taxon 37: 776–781.

STEARN, W. T. 1992. Botanical Latin: History, grammar, syntax, terminology and vocabulary, ed. 4. Portland, Oreg.: Timber Press. xiv+546 pp.

STEVENS, P. F. AND S. P. CULLEN. 1990. Linnaeus, the cortex-medulla, and the key to his understanding of plant form and natural relationships. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 71: 179–220.

SWEDERUS, M. B. 1907. Linné och växtodlingen. Uppsala, Akad. Boktryck. 102 pp. [A collection of Linnaeus’ essays and dissertations, with commentaries by Swederus.]

SVENSON, H. K. 1945. On the descriptive method of Linnaeus. Rhodora 42: 273–302, 363–388.

UGGLA, A. Hj. 1939. G. D. Ehrets växtplansch över sexualsystemet. [On Ehret’s plate of Linnaeus’ sexual system.] Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 22: 108–113.

VERITY, R. 1913. Revision of the Linnean types of Palaearctic Rhopalocera. Journal of the Linnean Society. Zoology 32:173–191.

WASTENSON, A. 1927. Linné als biochronolog. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 10: 150–153.


First editions only are listed except for certain works of special nomenclatural importance. Full citations of the original editions of these works may be found under the "Soulsby no." in BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) Catalogue of the works of Linnaeus, 1933. See infra §H.

Lachesis Lapponica [Lapland journey], Manuscript journal, 1732 [Soulsby no. 132].
LINNAEUS, C. 1811. Lachesis Lapponica, or a tour in Lapland, now first published from the original manuscript journal of the celebrated Linnœus; by James Edward Smith. London, White & Cochrane. 2 vols. Re-pub. New York, Arno Press, 1971. 2 vols. in one.

Systema Naturæ [System of Nature], Leiden, 1735 [Soulsby no. 39],
(facsimile editions, … Regia Academia Scientiarum Svecica biseculari natali auctoris denuo edidit. Stockholm, Generalstabens Litografiska Anstalt, 1907; … [Uppsala, Bokgillet, 1960]; … Facsimile of the first edition. With an introduction and the first English translation of the "Observationes" by Dr. Maria Sara Johanna Engel-Ledeboer and Dr. Hendrik Engel. Nieuwkoop, B. de Graaf, [1964]. Dutch Classics on History of Science VIII; … With a foreword by Birger Strandell. Stockholm, Bokförlaget Rediviva, [1977], (from Linnaeus' own copy at Svenska Läkaresällskapet library, Stockholm); 10th ed., Stockholm, 1758–9 [Soulsby no. 58]; … Regnum animale. Editio decima, 1758. Cura Societatis Zoologicae Germanicae iterum edita. Leipzig, G. Engelmann, 1894; … A photographic facsimile of the first volume of the tenth edition (1758): Regnum animale. London, British Museum (Natural History), 1939, 1956; … Tomus II: Vegetabilia. 1964 facsimile. Weinheim, J. Cramer; Codicote, Wheldon & Wesley Ltd.; New York, Stechert-Hafner Service Agency, Inc., 1964). Historiae naturalis classica Tom. XXXIV; 12th ed., Stockholm, 1766–8 [Soulsby no. 62].

HOFSTEN, N. VON. 1935. Systema naturae. Ett tvåhundraårsminne. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 18: 1–15.

LINNAEUS, C. 1964. Systema naturae 1735. Facsimile of the first edition. With an introduction and a first English translation of the “Observationes” by M. S. J. Engel-Ledeboer & H. Engel. Nieuwkoop, B. de Graaf. 30+[18] pp. & 2 pl. Dutch classics on history of science no. 8.

STRANDELL, B. 1958. Caroli Linnaei Systema naturae. Stockholm, Thule. Reprinted from: Berömda böcker. Andra samlingen, pp. 37–57.

STRANDELL, B. 1977. Foreword. In: C. LINNAEUS. Systema naturae. Stockholm, Bokförlaget Rediviva. Suecica rediviva nr. 70. [Facsimile reproduction of Linnaeus’ own copy recently discovered in the library of the Svenska Läkare-Sällskapet in Stockholm. See: B. Strandell. 1977. Om ett värdefullt Linné-fynd. Svensk farmaceutisk tidskrift 81: 667–673.]

Methodus [The Method], Leiden, 1736 [Soulsby no. 40]. [The Methodus (in matching format) is virtually always found included in copies of the Systema nature though it was published in the following year.]

CAIN, A. J. 1992. The Methodus of Linnaeus. Arch. Nat. Hist. 19: 231–250.

SCHMIDT, K. P. 1952. The “Methodus” of Linnaeus, 1736. J. Soc. Bibliogr. Nat. Hist. 2: 369–374.

STEARN, W. T. 1959. Caroli Linnaei Methodus (1736). See supra §B. HELLER, J. L., & W. T. STEARN. 1959.

Bibliotheca Botanica [The Botanical Library], Amsterdam, 1736 [Soulsby no. 250].

HELLER, J. L. 1970. Linnaeus’ Bibliotheca botanica. Taxon 19: 363–411.

Fundamenta Botanica [Foundations of Botany], Amsterdam, 1736 [Soulsby no. 253].

FREDBÄRJ, T. 1964. Ett nyfunnet manuskript till Fundamenta Botanica. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 47: 5–15. [A recently discovered MS of Fundamenta Botanica.]

Fundamenta Ornithologica [Foundations of Ornithology], Uppsala, [1765] [Soulsby no. 2285].

INSULANDER, R., & S. MÜLLER-WILLE. 2001. Linnés Fundamenta Ornithologica. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 2000–2001: 85–124.

Musa Cliffortiana [Clifford's Banana], Leiden, 1736 [Soulsby no. 275], (facsimile edition, … Lehre; J. Cramer, 1967).

Critica Botanica [Rules for Botanical Naming], Leiden, 1737 [Soulsby no. 276].

LINNAEUS, C. 1938. The "Critica botanica" of Linnaeus. Translated by the late Sir Arthur Hort. Revised by Miss M. L. Green. With an introduction by Sir Arthur Hill. London: The Ray Society. xxvii+239 pp. Ray Society publication no. 124.

Flora Lapponica [Lapland Flora], Amsterdam, 1737 [Soulsby no. 279].

Genera Plantarum [Genera of Plants], Leiden, 1737 [Soulsby no. 284]; 5th ed., Stockholm, 1754 [Soulsby no. 301] (facsimile edition, … With an introduction by William T. Stearn. 1960 facsimile. Weinheim: H. R. Engelmann (J. Cramer); Codicote: Wheldon & Wesley, 1960). Historiae naturalis classica Tom. III; 6th ed., Stockholm, 1764 [Soulsby no. 305].

BRYK, F. 1954. Bibliographia Linnaeana ad Genera Plantarum pertinens. Taxon 3: 174–183.

STEARN, W. T. 1960. Notes on Linnaeus’ “Genera Plantarum.” In: C. LINNAEUS. Genera Plantarum [facsimile]. 5th edition. 1754, pp. v–xxiv. Weinheim: J. Cramer; Codicote: Wheldon & Wesley. Historiae naturalis classica vol. 3. [Re-pub. in ___ 1962. Three prefaces on Linnaeus and Robert Brown, pp. [iv]–[xxiv] & 1 pl. Weinheim, J. Cramer.]

STEARN, W. T. 1960. Notes on Linnaeus’ 'Genera Plantarum'. Prefixed to Herbarium. Taxon 10: 16–19.

Ordines naturales [Natural Orders]
Appended to Genera Plantarum, 6th ed., 1764 [Soulsby no. 305].

CAIN, A. J. 1993. Linnaeus’ Ordines naturales. Arch. Nat. Hist. 20: 405–415.

STEARN, W. T. 1959. Ordines Naturales (1764). See supra §B. HELLER, J. L., & W. T. STEARN. 1959.

Hortus Cliffortianus [Clifford's Garden], Amsterdam, 1738 (dated '1737') [Soulsby no. 328], (facsimile edition, … Reprint 1968. Lehre, J. Cramer; Codicote, Wheldon & Wesley, Ltd.; New York, Stechner-Hafner Service Agency, Inc., 1968). Historiae naturalis classica Tom. LXIII.

CALLMER, C., & O. GERTZ. 1953. Om illustrationerna till “Hortus Cliffortianus.” Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift36: 81–88.

HELLER, J. L. 1968. Linnaeus’ Hortus Cliffortianus. Taxon 17: 663–719.

Viridiarum Cliffortianum [Clifford's Pleasure-garden], Amsterdam, 1737 [Soulsby no. 331].

Classes Plantarum seu Systemata Plantarum omnia a Fructificatione desumpta [The Classes of Plants or Systems of Plants all taken from the Fructification], Leiden, 1738 [Soulsby no. 332].

Flora Suecica [Swedish Flora], Stockholm, 1745 [Soulsby no. 407]; 2nd ed., Stockholm, 1755 [Soulsby no. 409].

ERDTMAN, G. 1945. Linnés "Flora Svecica." Anteckningar kring ett tvåhundraårsminne. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 28: 41–48.
Bicentenary of its publication.

FRIES, S. 1962. “Flora Svecica” som växtnammsordbok. Hur Linné samlade folkliga växtnamn. (“Flora Svecica” as a dictionary of plant names. How Linnaeus collected popular plant names.) Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 45: 34–45.

Öländska och Gothländska Resa [Öland and Gotland Journey], Stockholm and Uppsala, 1745 [Soulsby no. 202]
(facsimile edition, … Malmö, A–B. Malmö Ljustrycksanstalt, [1940], re-issued, 1957).

LINNAEUS, C. 1973. Linnaeus’ Öland and Gotland journey, 1741. Translated from the Swedish edition 1745 by M. Åsberg & W. T. Stearn. London: Academic Press for The Linnean Society of London. 220+viii pp. Also pub. as Biological journal of the Linnean Society vol. 5, 1973.

Fauna Suecica [Swedish Fauna], Stockholm, 1746 [Soulsby no. 1151]; 2nd ed., Stockholm, 1761 [Soulsby no. 1153].

NYBELIN, O. 1946. Fauna Svecica 200 år. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 29: 63–65. [Bicentenary of its publication.]

Wästgöta-Resa [Wästergötland Journey], Stockholm, 1747 [Soulsby no. 218].

Flora Zeylanica [Ceylon Flora], Stockholm, 1747 [Soulsby no. 420].

TRIMEN, H. 1887. Hermann's Ceylon herbarium and Linnaeus’ Flora Zeylanica. Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany 24: 129–155.

Hortus Upsaliensis [The Uppsala Garden], Stockholm, 1748 [Soulsby no. 424].

Materia Medica, Liber I [Materia Medica, Book 1], Stockholm, 1749 [Soulsby no. 968].

Amoenitates Academicae [Academic Delights], Vols. I–VII, Stockholm and Leipzig, 1749–69 [Soulsby no. 1272, 1279–1330].

DRAKE AF HAGELSRUM, G. 1939. Linnés disputationer: En översikt. Nässjö. 294 pp. [All dissertations are recorded and their contents are given, in many cases with full references to Linnaeus’ own reviews in Lärda tidningar.]

KIGER, R. W., et al. 1999. Index to scientific names of organisms cited in the Linnaean dissertations [etc.]. See supra §Ba. KIGER, R. W., C. A. TANCIN AND G. D. R. BRIDSON. 1999.

LINNAEUS, C. 1921–73. Valda avhandlingar av Carl von Linné i översättning utgivna av Svenska Linné-Dällskapet [Selected dissertations by Carl Linnaeus in translation published by Swedish Linnaeus Society]. Uppsala and Ekenäs. Nos. 1–63.

LÖFSTEDT, B. 1994. Zitate in Linnés Dissertationen. Svenska Linné–Sällskapets årsskrift 1992/93: 133–140.

NORDENSTAM, B. 1961. Notes on some Linnnaean dissertations. Botaniska notiser 114: 276–280.

RICKETT, H. W. 1955. Notes on the Linnaean dissertations. Lloydia 18: 49–60.

SMIT, P. 1980. The zoological dissertations of Linnaeus. See supra §B. BROBERG, G., Ed. 1980.

STEARN, W. T. 1957. The Amoenitates academicae and the authorship of Linnaean dissertations. See supra §B. STEARN, W. T., 1957.

WIDDER, F. J. 1967. Die Grazer Ausgaben von Linnés Amoenitates Academicae. Botanische Jahrbücher 86: 186–208 & pl. 13–15.

Oeconomia Naturae [Economy of Nature]. Uppsala, 1749 [Soulsby no. 1514].

Philosophia botanica [Botanical Philosophy], Stockholm, 1751 [Soulsby no. 437]
(facsimile edition, … Reprint 1966. Lehre & Codicote, Herts. & New York; J. Cramer & Wheldon and Wesley, Ltd. & Stechert-Hafner Service Agency, Inc.; 1966. Historiae naturalis classica Tom. XLVIII).

DAHLGREN, K. V. 1951. Philosophia botanica, ett 200-årsminne. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 33/34: 1–30.

GUÉDÈS, M. 1968. L’édition originale de la Philosophia botanica de Linné (1751). Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History 4: 385–389.

LINNAEUS, C. 2003. Linnaeus' Philosophia botanica. Translated by Stephen Freer. Oxford, Oxford University Press. xxvi+402 pp.

Skånska Resa [Skåne Journey], Stockholm, 1751 [Soulsby no. 209],
(facsimile edition, … Utgiven av Jöran Sahlgren. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt & Söners Förlag, [1920].

Demonstrationes plantarum. Uppsala, [1753] [Soulsby no. 1758].

STEARN, W. T. 1959. Demonstrationes Plantarum (1753). See supra §B. HELLER, J. L. AND W. T. STEARN. 1959.

Species Plantarum [Species of Plants], Stockholm, 1753 [Soulsby no. 480]
(facsimile editions, … [Berlin, W. Junk, 1907]; … [Tokyo, Shokubutsu Bunken Kankowa, 1934]; … A facsimile of the first edition 1753. Volume I. With an introduction [and edited] by W. T. Stearn. Volume II. With an appendix by J. L. Heller and W. T. Stearn. London, The Ray Society, 1957, 1959. 2 vols.); 2nd ed., Stockholm, 1762–3 [Soulsby no. 500].

BRYK, F. 1953. Bibliographia Linnaeana ad Species Plantarum pertinens. Taxon 2: 74–84.

DU RIETZ, R. 1965. Tryckningen av Species Plantarum 1753. En preliminär bibliografisk undersökning. (The printing of Species Plantarum: A preliminary bibliographical survey.) Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 48: 60–87.

FARLOW, W. G. 1910. A consideration of the “Species Plantarum” of Linnaeus as a basis for the starting-point of the nomenclature of cryptogams. American naturalist 44: 385–394.

HULTH, J. M. 1912. Linné’s första utkast till Species Plantarum. [Linnaeus’ first draft of Species Plantarum.] Svensk botanisk tidskrift 6: 627–631. [On a surviving early MS draft of 581 folios.]

INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR PLANT TAXONOMY. 1953. [Symposium] Species plantarum 1753 – 1 May – 1953. Taxon 2: 37–84. [Includes: T. A. SPRAGUE. Linnaeus as a nomenclaturist, pp. 40–46 ; C. E. B. BREMEKAMP. Linné’s significance for the development of phytography, pp. 47–54, & 2 pl.; H. K. SVENSON. Linnaeus and the species problem, pp. 55–58; S. SAVAGE. A trial proof page of the Species Plantarum, p. 59; A. Hj. UGGLA. The preparation of the Species Plantarum, pp. 60–62; F. BRYK. Linné und die Species Plantarum, pp. 63–73, & 2 pl.; F. BRYK. Bibliographia Linnaeana ad Species Plantarum pertinens, pp. 74–83.]

JACKSON, B. D. 1896. The rarest typographic product of Linnaeus. Journal of botany 24: 359–362. [The cancelled leaves, pp.89–90 & 259–260 in ed. 1, of Species Plantarum. See also: K. VON FLATT. 1896. Das seltenste typographische Product Linnés. Botanisches Centralblatt 66(7/8): 216–222.]

JACKSON, B. D. 1923. The evolution of Linnés “Species Plantarum.” Journal of botany 61: 174–175. [Chronicles the progress of the work as revealed by Linnaeus’ surviving records.]

LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. 1955. Papers commemorating the bicentenary of the publication of the Species Plantarum. Proceedings of The Linnean Society of London 165: 151–166. [Includes: T. A. SPRAGUE. The plan of the Species plantarum, pp. 151–156; J. S. L. GILMOUR. Linnaeus’ ‘Species Plantarum’; the man and the book, pp. 156–157; W. T. STEARN. Linnaeus’ ‘Species Plantarum’ and the language of botany, pp. 158–164; J. RAMSBOTTOM. Linnaeus’ nomenclature, pp. 164–166.]

LINNAEUS, C. 1957–59. Species Plantarum: A facsimile of the first edition, 1753. London, Ray Society, 1957–59. 2 vols. [Vol. I: With an Introduction by W. T. Stearn (Including: Editions and variants of the Species Plantarum, vol. 1, pp. 135–142); vol. II: With an Appendix by J. L. Heller and W. T. Stearn. Stearn's Introduction comprises a number of essays, some of which are separately entered herein.]

NANNFELDT, J. A. 1953. Species plantarum. Ett 200-årsminne. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 36: 1–9. [Bicentenary of its publication.]

SAVAGE, S. 1936. A trial proof page of the “Species Plantarum”, ed. 1, showing that Linnaeus had thought of adopting a folio format for that work. Proceedings of The Linnean Society 148: 97–98. Re-pub. in Taxon 2: 59, 1953.

UGGLA, A. Hj. 1953. Om förhistorien till Species Plantarum. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 36: 10–16.

Museum Tessinianum [Tessin's Museum], Stockholm, 1753 [Soulsby no. 1081].

Flora Anglica. Upsala, [1754] [Soulsby no. 1805].

BRITTEN, J. 1913. Linnaeus’ “Flora Anglica”. Journal of botany 51: 18–21.Museum S:ae R:ae M:tis Adolphi Friderici [Museum of His Royal Majesty Adolf Frederic], Stockholm 1754.

Inebrantia [Intoxicants], Uppsala, 1761 [Soulsby no. 2157].

LINNAEUS, C. 1993. Carl Linnaeus’ history of drugs: Inebrantia. English translation and commentary. Henry H. Parker. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 1992/93:109–131.

Museum S:ae R:ae M:tis Ludovicae Ulricae Reginae [Museum of Her Royal Majesty Queen Lovisa Ulrika], Stockholm, 1764 [Soulsby no. 1095a].

HANLEY, S. 1860. On the Linnean manuscript of the Museum Ulricae. Journal of the proceedings of The Linnean Society of London, zoology 4: 43–90.

Mantissa Plantarum [Supplement of Plants], Mantissa Plantarum altera [Second Supplement of Plants], Stockholm, 1767 & 1771 [Soulsby#311, 312] , (facsimile edition, … 1767 & 1771. With an introduction by William T. Stearn. 1961 facsimile. Weinheim, J. Cramer; Codicote, Wheldon & Wesley, Ltd.; New York, Hafner Publishing Co., [1961]).

STEARN, W. T. 1961. Notes on Linnaeus’ 'Mantissa Plantarum'. In: C. LINNAEUS. Mantissa Plantarum, 1767–71, pp. v–xxiv. Weinheim, J. Cramer; Codicote, Wheldon & Wesley. Historiae naturalis classica vol. 7.
Re-pub. in ___ 1962. Three prefaces on Linnaeus and Robert Brown, pp. [iii]–[xxvi]. Weinheim, J. Cramer.

Systema Vegetabilium [System of the Vegetable Kingdom], Göttingen & Gotha, 1774 [Soulsby#573].

Nemesis divina [Divine justice], Uppsala, 1848 [Soulsby #1060].

GUSTAFSSON, L. Linnaeus' Nemesis Divina from a philosophical perspective. See supra §Bb. WEINSTOCK, J., Ed. 1985.

LEPENIES, W. 1985. Linnaeus's Nemesis Divina and the idea of retaliation in the eighteenth century. See supra §Bb. WEINSTOCK, J., Ed. 1985.

LINNAEUS, C. 2001. Nemesis Divina. Edited and translated with an introduction and explanatory notes by M. J. Petry. Dordrecht, Boston, MA, London, Kluwer Academic Publishers. xviii+483 pp.


JACKSON, B. D. 1890. History of the Linnaean collections. Proceedings of The Linnean Society of London 1887/88: 18–34.


ANDERSON, L. G. 1899. Catalogue of Linnæan type-specimens of snakes in the Royal Museum in Stockholm. Stockholm. 35 pp. Bihang til kongliga svenska vetenskaps-akademiens handlingar vol. 24, afd. IV, no. 6.

ANDERSON, L. G. 1900. Catalogue of Linnean type-specimens of Linnaeus’ reptilia in the Royal Museum in Stockholm. Revised by F. A. Smitt and Hj. Théel. Stockholm. 29 pp. Bihang til kongliga svenska vetenskaps-akademiens handlingar vol. 26, afd. IV, no. 1.

AURIVILLIUS, C. W. S. 1894. Studien über Cirripeden. II. Die von Linnaeus in Seinem Werke “Museum Ludovicæ Ulricæ” beschreiben Cirripeden. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens handlingar 26 (7): 17 pp.
AURIVILLIUS, P. O. C. 1884. Recensio critica Lepidopterorum Musei Ludovicae Ulricae quae descripsit Carolus a Linné. Kongl[iga]. Stockholm. 183 pp. & 1 pl. Svenska Vetenskaps Academiens handlingar 19(5).

BRUNTON, C. H. C. 1967. Brachiopods in the Linnean shell collection. Proceedings of The Linnean Society of London 178: 161–183.

DANCE, S. P. 1967. Report on the Linnean shell collection. Proceedings of The Linnean Society of London 178: 1–24, 10 pl.

DAY, M. C. AND M. G. FITTON. 1977. Discovery in the Linnaean collection of type-material of insects described by Johann Reinhold Forster, with notes on the Hymenoptera. Biological journal of the Linnean Society 9: 31–43.

DAY, M. C. AND M. G. FITTON. 1978. Re-curation of the Linnaean Hymenoptera (Insecta), with a reassessment of the taxonomic importance of the collection. Biological journal of the Linnean Society 10: 181–198.

DODGE, H. 1952–59. A historical review of the mollusks of Linnaeus. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 100: 1–263, 1952; Ibid. 103: 1–134, 1953; Ibid. 107: 1–157, 1955; Ibid. 111: 153–312, 1956; Ibid. 113: 73–224, 1957; Ibid. 116: 153–224, 1958. [See also: DODGE, H. 1959. Evidential factors in the identification of the Linnaean molluscs. Journal of the Linnean Society (Zoology) 44: 170–179.]

FERNHOLM, B. AND A. WHEELER. 1983. Linnaean fish specimens in the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm. Zoological journal of the Linnean Society 78: 199–286.

HOLM, Å. 1957. Specimena Linnaeana. I Uppsala bevarade Zoologiska Samlingar från Linnés tid. Inbjudningar till Doktors-Promotionerna i Uppsala Universitets aula. Fredagen den 31 Maj 1957. Uppsala. 68 pp. Uppsala Universitets årsskrift 1957 (6). [With an English summary.]

JACKSON, B. D. 1913. Catalogue of the Linnean specimens of Amphibia, Insecta and Testacea. Proceedings of The Linnean Society of London 125 (supp.): 48 pp. Also: JACKSON, B. D. 1922. Catalogue of the Linnean specimens of Amphibia, Insecta and Testacea: Additions and corrections. Ibid. 134 supp: 33–38.

LÖNNBERG, E. 1896. Linnean type-specimens of birds, reptiles, batrachians and fishes in the Zoological Museum of the R. University in Upsala. Bihang til Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens handlingar 22, Afd. IV (1): 45 pp.

OOMEN, H. C. J. 1983. Ook de sapelden in de insekten collecties van Linnaeus habben diagnostische waarde. Vakblad voor biologen 63 (7): 1–131. [See also: K. MIKKOLA. 1983. Diagnostic insect pins: Some problems of the Linnaean insect collection solved. Antenna 7 (1): 16–17.]

WALLIN, L. 1992. Linnaean specimens in the Zoological Museum of Uppsala University. Archives of natural history 19: 219–230.

WHEELER, A. C. 1985. The Linnaean fish collection in The Linnean Society of London. Zoological journal of the Linnean Society 84: 16–76. [Replaces: A. C. L. G. GÜNTHER. 1899. Complete catalogue of Linné's private collection of fishes, now in possession of The Linnean Society. Proceedings of The Linnean Society of London 111: 15–38.]

WHEELER, A. C. 1991. The Linnaean fish collection in the Zoological Museum of the University of Uppsala. Zoological journal of the Linnean Society 103: 145–195.

WRIGHT, R. V.- AND P. E. S. WHALLEY. 1985. Linnaeus' fabulous butterfly. Linnean 1 (5): 19–24.


Linnaeus’ entire herbarium, as preserved in The Linnean Society of London, was published in microfiche photographic reproduction by Inter Documentation Company (IDC), Zug, 1960. [See: W. T. STEARN. 1960. A new photographic record of the Linnaean Herbarium. Taxon 10: 16–19.]

BALANDIN, S., et al. 2001. Herbarium Linnaeanum: The Linnaean Collection of the Herbarium of Moscow State University: Digital images, comments, historical review. Moscow, Dehlia Co. Ltd. CD-ROM, with booklet, 23 pp.

FRIES, R. E. 1935. Linné-växter i Bergii herbarium. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 18: 109–123. [Linnaean specimens in the Bergius herbarium.]

FRIES, Th. M. 1861. Anteckningar rörande en i Paris befintlig Linneanska herbarium. [Notes in a Linnaean plant collection located in Paris.] Öfversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens förhandlingar 18:255–272.

JACKSON, B. D. 1907. On a manuscript of the Linnaean herbarium in the handwriting of Carl von Linné presumably compiled in the year 1755. Proceedings of The Linnean Society of London 1906/07: 89–126.

JACKSON, B. D. 1912. Index to the Linnaean herbarium with indication of the types of species marked by Carl von Linné. Proceedings of The Linnean Society of London 124 supplement: 152 pp.; Also: ___ 1922. ___: Additions and corrections. Ibid. 134 supplement: 33–38.

JACKSON, B. D. 1922. Notes on a catalogue of the Linnaean herbarium. Proceedings of The Linnean Society of London 134 supp: 38 pp. [Includes: Contributors to the Herbarium, pp. 11–21, a list of ca.150 collectors.]

JØRGENSEN, P. M., P. W. JAMES & C. E. JARVIS. 1994. Linnaean lichen names and their typification. Botanical journal of the Linnean Society 115: 261–405. [Lists all specimens in Linnaeus’ herbarium.]

LINDBERG, H. 1958. Växter kända från Norden i Linnés herbarium. Plantae e septentrione cognitae in herbario Linnaei. Helsinki. 133 pp., frontis. Acta botanica Fennica 60.

LINDMAN, C. A. M. 1907–09. A Linnæan herbarium in the Natural History Museum in Stockholm. Arkiv för botanik 7(3): 57 pp., 1907; Ibid. 9(6): 1–50 pp., 1909.

LUNDEVALL, C. F. 1969. Carl von Linnés Växtsamling. Fauna och flora (Stockholm) 1969: 291–295.

SAVAGE, S. 1937. Sir James E. Smith and the Linnaean herbarium. Proceedings of The Linnean Society of London 149: 6–10.

SAVAGE, S. 1945. A catalogue of the Linnean herbarium. London, The Linnean Society of London. 225 pp. [With illus. of 72 examples of handwriting of contributors to the herbarium.]

STEARN, W. T. 1957. Linnaean herbaria. See supra §B. STEARN, W. T., 1957.


ÄHRLING, E. 1878. Några af de i Sverige befintliga Linnéanska handskrifterna, kritisk skärskådade. [Some of the Linnaean manuscripts located in Sweden analytically examined.] Lund. [ii]+28 pp.

EKELÖF, G. 1913. Förteckning öfver manuskript innehållande anteckningar efter Carl von Linnés Föreläsningar i Zoologi. In: A. J. E. LÖNNBERG. Linnés föresläsningar öfver djurriket, [Linnaeus’ lectures on the animal kingdom], pp. iv–xiii. Uppsala. xiv+607 pp. [41 MSS described, based on lectures given by Linnaeus between 1748 and 1752.]

FRIES, S. 1966. Linnés Resedagböcker: Språk stil och innehåll i jämförelse med de tryckta reseskildringarnas. [Linnaeus’ travel diaries. Language, style, and content as compared with published travel descriptions.] Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 49: 28–64.

GERTZ, O. 1925. Tvenne sannolikt förlorade Linnéska manuskript ur Kilian Stobæus bibliotek. [Two, probably lost, Linnaean manuscripts in the library of Kilian Stobæus.] Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 8: 94–96.

HULTH, J. M. 1921. Uppsala Universitetsbibliotheks förvärv av Linneanska originalmanuskript. In: UPPSALA UNIVERSITETSBIBLIOTEK. Uppsala Universitets Biblioteks minneskrift 1621–1921. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell. Pp. 407–424. [Acquisitions of original Linnaean manuscripts.]

LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. 1940. Synopsis of the annotations by Linnaeus and contemporaries in his library of printed books. By S. Savage. London. 20 pp. Catalogue of manuscripts in the library of The Linnean Society of London pt. 3.

MALMESTRÖM, E. 1931. Linnés självbiografier. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 14: 17–30. [Description of several MSS in Uppsala and at British Museum and Linnean Society of London.]

UGGLA, A. Hj. 1952. Försvunna Linné-handskrifter. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 35: 89–91. [Lost manuscripts by Linnaeus.]


Project Linnaeus, founded in 1995, is engaged in editing the entire corpus of ca.7000 letters to and from Carl Linnaeus. Initiated under the aegis of the Swedish Linnaean Society in collaboration with the Royal Swedish Academy of Science and the Linnean Society of London, the Project is based at the University of Uppsala. Correspondence is being published electronically on the Web by the Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle of Ferney-Voltaire within the continuing "c18" project in collaboration with the International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. The URL is: http://www.c18.org/pr/lc/proj.lin.html

The 3,000 piece collection of Linnaeus’ correspondence at the Linnean Society of London was published in a 446 microfiche photographic reproduction by Inter Documentation Company (IDC), Zug, 1967.

ÄHRLING, E. 1885. Carl von Linnés brefvexling. [Carl von Linné's correspondence.] Stockholm: P. A. Norstedt & Söner. xviii+111 pp. Re-pub. Zug, Inter Documentation Co., 1967. iv+xviii+111 pp. [Bref till Svenskar; Bref från Svenskar; Bref till Utländingar; Bref från Utländingar.]

LINNAEUS, C. 1830. Epistolæ ineditæ Caroli Linnæi; addita parte commercii litteratii inediti, imprimis circa rem botanicam, J. Burmanni, N. L. Burmanni, Dillenii, Halleri, Schmidelii, J. Gesneri, Œderi, Pallasii, Vandelli et Thunbergii; annis 1736–93. Ex litteris autographis edidit H. C. van Hall. Groningen: W. van Boekeren. [iv]+268+[9] pp.

LINNAEUS, C. 1841. Caroli Linnæi epistolæ ad Nicolaum Josephum Jacquin. Ex autographis edidit Car. Nic. Jos. Eques a Schreibers C. F. Præfatus est notasque adjecit Stephanus Endlicher. Vienna, C. Gerold. viii+167 pp. [91 letters from Linnaeus, 1759–1776, and a notice of his decease from Linn. fil, 1778.]

LINNAEUS, C. 1860. Lettres inédités de Linné à [François] Boissier de la Croix de Sauvages … recueilles, par M. le Baron d’Hombres Firmas … publiées par les soins de son fils, éditées … avec notes historiques, par M. C. C***** [Cassan]. Alais, A. Veirun. [iv]+51+xxvi+300 pp.

LINNAEUS, C. 1870–71. Af Linnés Brevvexling: Akstykker til Naturstudiets Historie i Danmark. [From Linnaeus’ correspondence: Documents concerning the history of nature studies in Denmark.] Ved J. C. Schiødte. Naturhistorisk tidsskrift (3) 7: 333–522. [Letters to: B. J. de Buchwald, G. T. Holm, G. C. Œder, P. Ascanius, P. Forsskåhl, C. G. Krantzenstein, C. F. Rottböll, J. J. Ferber, M. T. Brünnich, L. Spengler, H. Ström, O. F. Müller, J. F. Fabricius, J. C. Fabricius, J. H. E. Bernstorf, J. Zoëga, J. P. Falck, P. F. Suhm, J. E. Gunnerus, E. v. Bertouch, M. Vahl, C. Horrebow; Tillaeg: Breve fra Linné til Brünnich.]

LINNAEUS, C. 1878. Carl von Linnés Svenska Arbeten i urval och med noter utgifna af Ewald Ährling. Stockholm, A. Bonnier. Vols. 1–2(1) (ii+471+112 pp., illus.) [Letters to: C. G. Tessin, Kongl. Vetenskaps-Societeten i Upsala och Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademien i Stockholm; Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens sekreterare P. Elvius och P. W. Wargentin; Prof. Killian Stobaeus, Ol. Celsius, Lars Rogberg. Unfinished.]

LINNAEUS, C. 1907–22. Bref och skrifvelser af och till Carl von Linné. [Letters and writings from and to … Linnaeus.] Utgifna och med upplysande noter försedd af Th. M. Fries och J. M. Hulth. Första afdelningen: Del. I, Skrifvelser till offentliga myndigheter och till Kungl. Vetenskapssocieteten i Upsala. Del. II, Skrifvelser och bref till K. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademien och des Sekreterare. Del. III(–VIII), Bref till och från Svenska enskilda personer: A–(Laxman). [Pt. I. Communications to public authorities and to Kungl. Vetenskapssocieteten, Upsala. Pt. II. … to the K. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademien and to its Secretary. Pt. III (–VIII). Letters to and from private Swedish persons]. Uppsala and Berlin. 8 vols. Unfinished.

LINNAEUS, C. 1916, 1943. Bref och skrifvelser af och till Carl von Linné. [Letters and writings from and to … Linnaeus.] Utgifven och med upplysande noter försedd af J. M. Hulth och A. Hj. Uggla. Andra afdelningen: Utländska brefväxlingen. [Foreign correspondence]. Del. 1(–II), Adanson–(Burman). Uppsala and Berlin. 2 vols. Unfinished.

SMITH, Sir J. E., ed. 1821. A selection of the correspondence of Linnaeus, and other naturalists, from the original manuscripts. London: Longman, Hurst, Orme & Brown. 2 vols. Re-pub. New York: Arno Press, 1978.


Linnaeus’ scientific library is preserved at The Linnean Society of London. Non-scientific books were returned to Sweden in 1894.

HULTH, J. M. 1925? Böcker från Linnés bibliotek, övertamnade till Linneanska stiftelsen på Hammarby från Linnean Society: London genom K. Vetenskaps-Akademien i Stockholm. Arskrift efter katalog, uppgjord av J. M. Hulth. Uppsala. 46 ff. [Manuscript list in The Linnean Society of London.]

LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. 1894. Rough list of books forwarded to Stockholm. 19th Oct. 1894. London. 10 ff. [Typescript.]

LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. 1925. Catalogue of the printed books and pamphlets in the library of The Linnean Society of London. New ed. by S. Savage. London. v+860 pp. [An author catalogue of ca. 17,500 entries. Including the library of Carl Linnaeus (entries for books from Linnaeus’ own library are identified by the (Gothic) letter L.]

SMITH, Sir J. E. Post 1780s/91? [Manuscript catalogue of the library of Carl Linnaeus and his son, as purchased from Linnaeus’ widow in 1784.] [In the Linnean Society of London Library. According to a note by S. Savage, “Probably compiled soon after the collections reached him. His earliest note is dated 1791.” Not complete.]

Specimens, MSS, books, memorabilia, etc.

BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 1907. Memorials of Linnaeus: A collection of portraits, manuscripts, specimens and books exhibited to commemorate the bi-centenary of his birth. [By A. B. Rendle.] London. 16 pp. & 2 pl. Special guide no. 3.

KONINKLIJK ZOÖLOGISCH GENOOTSCHAP “NATURA ARTIS MAGISTRA” TE AMSTERDAM. 1878. Linnaeana in Nederland aanwezig. Tentoongesteld op 10 Januari 1878 in het Koninklijk Zoölogisch Genootschap “Natura Artis Magistra,” te Amsterdam. By J. Coster. Amsterdam, Scheltema & Holkema. 58 pp. [272 items.]

LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. 1938. Catalogue of the exhibits in the Society’s library on the occasion of the 150th anniversary celebrations. By S. Savage. Proceedings of The Linnean Society of London 150: 294–308. [Personal relics & documents illustrating Linnaeus’ development as a botanist.]

LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. 1978. Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778): A bicentenary guide to the career and achievements of Linnaeus and the collections of The Linnean Society. By W. T. Stearn and G. D. R. Bridson. London: The Linnean Society of London. 32 pp.

MUSÉUM NATIONAL D’HISTOIRE NATURELLE, PARIS. 1957. Linné: Botaniste suédois. Nomenclateur et poète de la nature. Exposition Linné organisée par le Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle et l’Institut Tessin à l’occasion du 250e anniversaire de la naissance du grand naturaliste suédois, Juin–Novembre 1957. By G. W. Lundberg. Paris. [xiv]+132 pp., frontis. & 12 pl.

UNIVERSITÄTSBIBLIOTHEK TÜBINGEN. 1977. Carl von Linné und die deutschen Botaniker seiner Zeit: Ausstellung zum 300 jährigen Bestehen des Botanischen Gartens im Rahmen des 500-jährigen Jubiläums der Eberhard-Karls-Universität, veranstaltet von der Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen, 3.–10. Juni 1977. Katalog mit den Festvorträgen von C.-M. Edsmann und C.-O. von Sydow. Bearbeitet von A.-M. Klotz und H. Oehling. Tubingen. 140 pp.

UNIVERSITETSBIBLIOTEK UPPSALA. 1978. Carl von Linné 1778–1978. Utställning i Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek. Uppsala. 43 pp. Uppsala Universitetsbiblioteks utställningskataloger #2.

UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LIBRARIES. 1957. A catalog of an exhibition commemorating the 250th anniversary of the birth of Carolus Linnaeus … and the 200th anniversary of the issue of the Systema naturae, 10th edition, 1758–1958. By T. R. Buckman. Lawrence, Kans.: University of Kansas Libraries. 50 pp.


BRYK, F. 1923. Bibliotheca Linnæana. I. Die schwedische Linnélitteratur seit 1907. Stockholm, privately pub. [vii]+52 pp.; BRYK, F. 1923. Bibliotheca Linnæana. II. Neue oder wenig bebannte Linnéoriginale. Stockholm, privately pub. 30 pp. & 1 pl.

BRYK, F. 1923. Die Stellung der polnischen Botanik zu Linnés Systeme. [Mit einer Bibliographia Linnæana Polnica]. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 6: 35–51.

GOMBOCZ, E. 1922. Bibliographia Linnæana hungarica. Hrsg von F. Bryk. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 5: 90–96.

HULTH, J. M. 1907. Bibliographia Linnaeana. Matériaux pour servir a une bibliographie Linnéenne. Partie I – Livraison I. Upsala, Almqvist & Wiksell. [iv]+170 pp. [Chronologically arranged annotated bibliography of works by Linnaeus. The proposed 2nd and 3rd parts were never published. Also: E. FÖRBERG. 1923. Företeckning över till Linnésamlingen hörande böcker, sam ej äro upptagna i J. M. Hulth's Bibliographia Linnaeana. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 6: 160–165. List of books in the author's Linnaean collection, not mentioned in J. M. Hulth's Bibliographia Linnaeana.]

KROK, T. O. B. N. 1925. [Entries for Linnaeus] In: Bibliotheca botanica suecana ab antiquissimis temporibus ad finem anni MCMXVIII. Svensk botanisk litteratur från äldsta tider t. o. m. 1918, pp. 422–465. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell. xvi+799 pp.

LINDELL, E. 1932. Bibliotheca Linnæana – works by or relating to Carolus Linnaeus, his predecessors, contemporaries and pupils, with sequels – from the library of Emil Lindell. Växjö, privately pub. 123 pp. [Now part of the Strandell collection at the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Pittsburgh, PA.]

OLSEN, S.-E. S. 1997. Periodica med Linnæana. Copenhagen. [i]+44 ff. [Alphabetical list with references to Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Catalogue of the works of Linnaeus, 1933.]

PULTENEY, R. 1805 A general view of the writings of Linnaeus. 2nd ed. with corrections, considerable additions, and memoirs of the author by W. G. Maton. To which is annexed The diary of Linnaeus written by himself, and now translated into English, from the Swedish manuscript in the possession of the editor. London, J. Mawman. xv+595 pp. [Pioneer descriptive account. (1st ed. pub. London, pr. for T. Payne & B. White, 1781. iv+425 pp.)]

RICHTER, H. E. 1840. Enumeratio auctorum in textu Linnæano citatorum. In: Caroli Linnæi Systema, Genera, Species Plantarum uno volumine. Editio critica, adstricta, conferta sive Codex botanicus Linnæanus. Textum Linnæanum integrum ex omnibus Systematis, Generum, Specierum Plantarum, editionibus, Mantissis, additamentis selectumque ex ceteris ejus botanicis libris digestum, collatum, contractum, cum plena editionum discrepantia exhibens. In usum Botanicorum practicum edidit brevique adnotatione explicavit H. E. Richter. [etc.], pp. 1089–1100. Leipzig, sumpt. O. Wigand. xxxii+1102 pp. Caroli Linnaei opera. Editio prima critica. Volumen secundum. Systema Vegetabilium.

STAFLEU, F. A. AND R. S. COWAN. 1981. Linnaeus, Carl. In: Taxonomic literature: A selective guide to botanical publications and collections with dates, commentaries and types. 2nd edn., vol. 3, pp. 71–111 (#4709–4851). Utrecht & Antwerp: Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema; The Hague and Boston, Mass.: W. Junk, for the International Association for Plant Taxonomy. Regnum Veg. vol. 105.

See also: +BOBROV, E. G. 1979. See above.


BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 1933. A catalogue of the works of Linnaeus (and publications more immediately relating thereto) preserved in the libraries of the British Museum (Bloomsbury) and the British Museum (Natural History). 2nd ed. London. xi+246+(68) pp.; With ___ 1936. An index to the authors (other than Linnaeus) mentioned in the catalogue of the works of Linnaeus [etc.]. London. 59 pp. Both re-pub., Mansfield Centre, Conn.: Martino Fine Books, [1998] [Generally cited as "Soulsby" after its editor and chief compiler, B. H. Soulsby. Arranged under 20 headings, incl. I: Works; II: Systema Naturae; III: Travels; IV: Botanical works; VI: Medical works; VIII: Miscellaneous works; XII: Theses & orations; XIII: Letters; XIV: Life; XV: Herbarium & collections; XVII: Works edited by Linnaeus; XVIII: Works written with co-operation of Linnaeus. (1st ed. pub. London, 1907. 27 pp.) This catalogue has been digitised and is available via Internet on the Linnaeus Link Project website at http://www.nhm.ac.uk/library/linn/linndoc.html]

HUNT INSTITUTE FOR BOTANICAL DOCUMENTATION. 1976. The Linnaean collection. By B. Strandell. Taxon 25: 3–8. [See also: G. H. M. LAWRENCE. 1976. A catalogue of Linnaeana.Taxon 25: 69–74; G. H. M. LAWRENCE & R. W. KIGER. 1978. Linnaeus and the computer. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 1978: 276–295; G. H. M. LAWRENCE & B. STRANDELL. 1978. Från invigningen av Linné – biblioteket i Pittsburgh 1973. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 1972/74: 163–177.]

KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 1970. Linnaeana. By G. A. Rudolph and E. Williams. Manhattan, Kans. 225 pp. Kansas State University Library bibliography series no. 7. [The collection formed by K. K. MacKenzie.]

STRANDELL, B. 1966. Linné och Amerika. Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 49: 85–96. [Linnaean collections at University of Kansas Libraries and Hunt Botanical Library, Pittsburgh, Pa.]

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL LIBRARY. 1968. Linnaeana in the collection of the National Agricultural Library. By M. L. Naftalin. Beltsville, Md. 39 pp. Library list no. 89.

UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LIBRARIES. 1964. A checklist of Linneana 1735–1835 in the University of Kansas Libraries. Compiled by T. Williams. Lawrence, Kans. x+73 pp. University of Kansas library series no. 20.


EWAN, J. 1970. Plant collectors in America: Backgrounds for Linnaeus. In: P. SMIT AND R. J. CH. V. TER LAAGE, eds. Essays in biohistory. Utrecht: International Association for Plant taxonomy. Pp. 19–54. Regnum vegetabile vol. 71. [Includes a "Roster of collectors and authors concerning America and Linnaeus", pp. 48–50.]

FRIES, R. E. 1951. De linneanska ‘apostlarnas’ resor: Kommentar till en karta. [Linnaeus’ 'apostles' travels.] Svenska Linné-Sällskapets årsskrift 33/34: 31–40.

GOERKE, H. 1980. Linnaeus' German pupils and their significance. See supra §B. BROBERG, G., ed. 1980.

JACKSON, B. D. 1922. Contributors to the [Linnaean] Herbarium. See supra §C. JACKSON, B. D. 1922.

OLSEN, S.-E. S. 1997. Bibliographia discipuli Linnæi: Bibliographies of the 331 pupils of Linnæus. Copenhagen. [x]+458 pp. [Selected on the basis of an unpublished guide to Linnaeus’ pupils prepared by B. Strandell in 1978. With a brief biographical note for each student; the literature citations usually restricted to single-line entries with references to standard bibliographies.]

SELANDER, S. 1960. Linnélärjungar i främmande länder. [Linnaean students in foreign countries]. Stockholm, A. Bonniers. 90 pp.

STAFLEU, F. A. 1971. The Linnaeans. Ch. 5. Linnaeus’ pupils and dissertations; Ch. 6. The Netherlands and Austria; Ch. 7. Great Britain; Ch. 8. Germany and Switzerland; Ch. 9. France. See supra §C. STAFLEU, F. A. 1971.

STRANDELL, B. 1982. Linnés lärjungar: Varifrån kom de och vart tog de vägen? (Pupils of Linnaeus: Where did they come from and where did they go?)Svenska Linné–Sällskapets årsskrift 1979/81: 105–143. [A survey of the 509 identified and 82 unidentified pupils, including 74 foreigners.]